10 camera settings you need to learn to master your Nikon

Get to grips with your Nikon DSLR

The huge array of buttons, menus and other features available on even the most affordable Nikon DSLR can sometimes seem somewhat intimidating, particularly if you're only commencing out.

Understanding which features are worth researching, and which are best left alone, is fundamental to getting the most from your camera.

Thus, we've come up with the 10 most important camera setting that you need to get to grips with to use your Nikon to its wide potency.

We've split these down into five parts, where you'll find out how to apply the different focusing, exposure and other modalities to help you really take control of your camera.

On that point are also hints for other features to try once you've mastered the essentials, to enable you to consider your photography to the next grade. And we've even included features that are best left alone, at least until you've got the advert of the basics.

These advanced features do have their functions when you're shooting in very tricky or specialized circumstances, but they aren't necessary for the huge bulk of subjects and positions.

Thus, whether you've just embarked on using your Nikon, or are already an experienced user, you'll see lot of handy information about the different characteristics and fashions available on your camera. Read on to learn more…

Essential Nikon camera settings: 1. Focus lock

Even the most sophisticated autofocus systems need you to assume control in order to focus on off-center subjects. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-1-focus-lock.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 2. Focus Tracking

When you're photographing moving subjects you need to choose the right focus mode to keep them keen. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-2-focus-tracking.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 3. Exposure Compensation

Desire to assume more control of exposure, but don't know where to start with manual mode? Exposure compensation is a lot more comfortable to apply, and a good deal more intuitive as well… Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-03-exposure-compensation.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 4. Histogram display

Judging the exposure from the icon alone is hard, so you Nikon has a display mode to help you capture it correctly. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-4-histogram-display.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 5. Burst mode

You can select whether your Nikon takes a single stab or a burst of pictures when you squeeze the shutter release. Here's when and why to apply the different movement modes. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-5-burst-mode.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 6. Vibration Reduction

Getting sharp results isn't just about focusing - you likewise need to avoid camera shake, as that may blur your shots. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-6-vibration-reduction.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 7. Shutter Priority

Taking control of the shutter speed gives you the ability to freeze or blur motion. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-7-shutter-priority.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 8. Aperture Priority

Deciding how a great deal of the picture is in focus can make or ruin the shock of your guesses, so here's how to check it. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-8-aperture-priority.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 9. ISO

The caliber of images acquired at high ISOs on current cameras means you can now hit even when the brightness levels are depressed… Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-9-iso.html

Essential Nikon camera settings: 10 White Balance

Here's how to ensure accurately reproduced colors on your Nikon. Read more: https://ebooston.blogspot.com/2017/12/essential-nikon-camera-settings-10-white-balance.html

10 camera settings you need to learn to master your Nikon 10 camera settings you need to learn to master your Nikon Reviewed by Unknown on December 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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